PARAGON Development | Sales Office
After understanding and perceiving the customer's thinking and his desire for excellence and difference, we created an era of creativity, technology, and sustainability. Then we put him inside it, and he became the owner of the unique and sustainable era, and many competitors look forward to him entering that era. New Green Era It's always about the vibe the vibe that helps you achieve your goals, helps you work, helps you be productive, helps you put yourself in a position to reach what you seek. And, according to a sustainable, technological, communicational, and friendly vibe like Paragon, nothing beats this for a productive work environment. Every single aspect of interior design makes a lot of difference in creating a vibe for the office that promotes employee comfort and great team culture. We should always have strategies for achieving green sustainability that will encourage other organizations, employees, citizens, and governments to follow as Shades does.
Designing a sustainable office starts with understanding what sustainability means for this business. We are talking about Paragon Developments, which seeks to become the most prominent developer of smart and sustainable projects in Egypt. Shades believed that the vibe of Paragon's office interiors says a lot about their company, and to achieve that, we turn to our architects and designers, who devise methods to sustain and maintain the overall concept of shaping a sustainable, green work environment in our offices, meeting rooms, central hubs, and throughout Paragon's overall office. We insisted on creating recreational spaces, which enable employees to stay motivated and refreshed throughout the day, which leads to more confidence. Shades have realized that promoting sustainable spaces is more important than ever before. Accordingly, we consider the end result of every design element, adapting its approach in order to maximize the benefits of preserving sustainability, community, and technology throughout all of Paragon's offices.
Eventually, Paragon's interior design will be the key to creating a more passionate and productive work environment.
Scope of Work